Packaging Design

Transatlantika was hired to design packaging for the German toy company HABA.

The packaging direction is improving the products’ shelf appeal within the constraints of their design guidelines. We came up with a bold and colorful look for multiple products.

← The design for their Cars racetrack plays with shapes of the tracks in the company’s signature yellow to create a vibrant color contrast.

Each Cars pack has a colored sleeve with a printed cardboard box inside. →

← The CARS products are shown on the packs in a bold eye-catching way.

The design adheres closely to their established brand guidelines.

The packaging has a vibrant and strong shelf presence. 

The HABA Cars racetrack products come with a poster we designed and illustrated.

It is action-packed on the front and informative on the back. →

← HABA’s Creative Play 3in1 is a pretend kitchen, workshop and store. 

The packaging we designed uses three big yellow dots to visually explain the three different ways of using it.

All packaging is ensured to have the mandatory information required in multiple countries. →

Packaging Design
Created in 2024

Design: Transatlantika
Client: HABA Familygroup
